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Top 10 Advantages of playing PUBG Video Game

Top 10 Advantages of playing PUBG Video Game

PUBG, Player Unknown’s Battle Ground brought a great revolution in the gaming and streaming world. It was created and published by a company named Bluehole on 20th December 2017 on PC and in March 2018 on Mobile called PUBG Mobile.

This game is quite addictive and exciting as There are actually a hundred players in a plane and have to land on the island. Searching guns, medkits, bullets, helmets, etc., for surviving under a certain zone and zone areas are always decreasing as time passes as the game has to end in thirty minutes as the last zone.

Thus, You will find several disadvantages and several advantages of playing PUBG; In this post, we will see the top ten advantages of Playing the PUBG Video Game.

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Improvement in multitasking In this game, you’ve to manage many controls at the same time as run, jump, shoot, hide, etc., and these things sharpen the brain of yours to do multitasking so that you can manage many things in the real world also. This’s among the positive aspects of playing in a pub.


Better Judgement While playing this game, you’ve to judge whether the opponent team enemy has better skills or perhaps not, whether they’ve defeated us or perhaps not. Whether we should rush the enemy team or perhaps not. You only judge these items. As this game is quite addictive, you have to find these things after 10 20 matches easily. So, these skills may be used in the real world. This’s another benefit of playing in a pub.


Sharp Eyesight You’ve to keep the eye always open in this game because no one knows when and from which side the enemy attack you, so, basically, you’re always looking for a different path. This way, after a long time, your eye starts behaving this way as you will need.


Powerful Scanning In this game, you always scanning an enemy so your scanning power can be enhanced. Based on research, People that play video games have better scanning capacity than nongamer. This’s also the advantageous asset of playing pubg.

Ex. If you’ve to look for a word among many words in a book, then in most cases gamer will win.
5:Better Attention & Focus Based on research, Gamers will do things very quickly as their attention & focus are better. These skills addict this game as you always alert in this particular game. It’s also an advantage of playing pubg.


Identity Different Object easily In this game, you will find many things like the real world as a house, river, automobiles, bikes, bridge, etc. are easily identified by a pro player at a distance quickly. So, Gamers will easily identify 3 D objects.


Improve thinking skills: In this game, you’ve taken many decisions, immediately got its results, learned from that decision, and tried to think better. In this way, you can improve the thinking skills of yours.


Quick Relief This game can take you out from the real world to ensure that you can relieve your stress quickly and easily time pass. This could also be considered an advantage of playing pubg.


Connect unknown folks There are actually a hundred players in that game, and you can interact with all and make friends. You will find automating options offered in this particular game; as there’s no own team, you can play with random players for thirty minutes and talk to each other and can make friends.


Can pick as a career option Nowadays, In India, there are lots of streamers as Dynamo; many and mortal more are earning cash from the game PUBG and choose as a career option. Lots of competitions will also be available for this particular game and earn easily. This’s the primary benefit of playing pubg if you’re a pro player.

Really PUBG brought a revolution in the gaming community.

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