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The Importance of Wearing a Helmet When Riding a Motorcycle

The Importance of Wearing a Helmet When Riding a Motorcycle

Motorcycle helmets are made to protect and cushion the head of a motorcycle rider from the impact of a crash. Unlike cars, in a motorcycle accident, there are no airbags, no seat belts, or much less, a structure that can protect the body, which increases the importance of moto helmets’ usage.

A motorcycle helmet, while not a foolproof item, is the first line of defense against a traumatic head injury. Helmets are estimated to reduce accident deaths by 30% and brain injuries by 40%, therefore their use is absolutely necessary when riding a motorcycle, scooter, or bicycle.

Although it is hard to believe, a lot of people are against the use of these security features. Their argument says that moto helmets may cause neck injuries, reduce peripheral vision and hearing, in themselves, affect the senses necessary for good motorcycle riding.

For their part, professional motorcycle riders must wear a DOT-approved helmet as a minimum safety and security requirement. In addition, they must wear complete safety clothing for greater protection, which must include padded gloves, an armored jacket, protective pants, and special boots for motorcycles. Bright lights and clothing can also be very useful for motorcyclists as a safety measure.

In addition, nowadays the motorcycle market offers innovative moto helmets with a lot of built-in technology, such as GPS, communication, music streaming from your phone, and much more. With included Bluetooth technologies, Bluetooth motorcycle helmet for instance provides a safe and comfortable ride, allowing riders to have their eyes on the road and stay away from the phone while riding.

In order to avoid suffering an accident on a motorcycle, there are training courses in the proper handling of these two-wheeled vehicles, which it is important to take. There are also programs for experienced riders in which they can hone their skills, but the real highlight of this is that these instructions present the necessary resources for adequate protection on a motorcycle. Taking one of these courses means wanting to be a responsible rider, for your own safety and that of others.

Likewise, many countries have succeeded in making helmet use mandatory, through the adoption of laws that stipulate its need. Following the implementation of these laws and public awareness of them, the benefits of mandatory helmet use translate into a significant decrease in mortality rates and serious or simple injuries.

In Thailand, for example, 80% of the 20 million registered motorized vehicles are motorcycles. In 1992, when helmet use was not compulsory, 90% of deaths from traffic accidents were attributed to motorcycle users, almost all of them due to head injuries. Passing legislation in the northeastern province of Khon Kaen that stipulated the mandatory use of helmets, plus the support of enforcement and advertising programs, saw a 40% reduction in head injuries among motorcyclists and a 24% drop in pilot deaths, in just two years.

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