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8 Laptop Maintenance Tips You Need to Remember

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1. Clean Out the Dust and Dirt

Maintaining a laptop starts with getting the dust and dirt out of the computer.

Over time, dirt tends to get under the keyboard which can cause the keys to stick or not work. You’ll want to get in there with an air canister to remove as much as possible without harming the components.

Dust also has a tendency to get into the tiniest of places and that includes your fans and ventilation parts of your laptop. To clean these, you’ll need to open the back of the laptop up. Be sure to put the screws in order of where they came out of, as companies tend to not put the same screw length for every hole.

Don’t forget to wipe off fingerprints and smudges on your computer screen. These can make watching videos or writing up reports a nuisance when you can’t clearly see what you’re writing.

2. Your Laptop Needs Good Airflow

Taking care of a laptop means that you need to give it good airflow. Because laptops are tiny and cram a lot of components in an enclosed space, they get hot very fast.

Keep your laptop on a surface that is elevated and can pull air from the button and push it out the back or the side. If you find your laptop starting to overheat, this could be a sign of poor airflow.

3. Always Backup Your Data

Even if you think you have the best computer maintenance practices around, you’re not helping yourself if you’re not backing up your data. Common methods to backup data include an external hard drive or offsite data storage.

For best results, you should have a Data Vault installed in your home. This piece of equipment automatically backs up your files for you, so even if you forget to, your Data Vault will take care of it for you.

For those that are still running mechanical hard drives on your laptop, you might want to consider switching over to an SSD. They not only help speed up your laptop but also have a lower failure rate. This is thanks to their lack of moving parts.

4. Update When Possible

While it seems annoying when you get those random popups letting you know it is time to update, don’t ignore it for too long. These updates for your laptop often include security updates that can help keep your data secure from attacks.

They will also include efficiency updates to ensure the software and firmware are running optimally. When certain software doesn’t get updated and optimized, it can become a power hog and start to drain your battery and reduce your laptop’s performance.

5. Optimize Your Battery To Your Work Flow

Speaking of batteries, there are a few options you can take to optimize the lifespan of your battery.

In the settings, you can switch the power optimization from Performance (which uses more battery power) to Balanced or Power Saving. Balanced gives you a good mixture of performance and battery life, while Power Saving focuses on prolonging the number of hours you can get from your battery.

Regardless of which you choose, in the long run, your battery is still going to decline. Heat and discharge cycles will degrade the battery over time, meaning you might need to pick up another down the road.

6. Clean Up Your Cookies and Cache

If your computer is running slow when you’re using the internet, it might be because you haven’t cleaned out the cache and cookies on your browser.

Cache refers to a specific type of storage space for common files. If you find that a website runs slow the first time and then fast the following times you visit it, that is thanks to the cache. If there are too many temporary files in the cache, you may find your computer running slower.

Cookies don’t actually refer to the sugary treats and instead are a website’s data that they are using to make your visit to their website more enjoyable. They use cookies to keep track of what you put in your shopping cart or to show you ads that are relevant to you.

7. Keep Your Antivirus Up-To-Date

Your antivirus is the first line of defense against a potential virus. These viruses can steal your data, lock you out of your computer, or make your computer completely useless.

New viruses and harmful programs are being written every day and your antivirus needs these updates to properly identify these new threats.

If you’re already dealing with a virus, any of our locations can help with removing it. We even offer remote services for those that aren’t close to one of our locations.

8. Empty Your Recycle Bin

Did you know that when you delete files from their main folder, they aren’t immediately deleted off your computer? They will instead go to your recycle bin and be stored indefinitely unless you’ve set it to empty every certain number of days.

Your computer does this to help avoid accidentally deleting files that you didn’t mean to. If you do delete one, you can head over to your recycle bin and simply hit restore.


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